
Read here how to adjust the settings per contract.

Updated over a week ago

Each contract type has a different set of settings. It's important to set this up properly, otherwise Eitje will calculate the wrong data.

Different types of contracts

Under 'Contracts' you can see the three different types of contracts that you can add to your team members. If you click at the end of the line an additional window with contract information will open.

Here you can indicate per contract type whether leave is administered.

You can also adjust the conversion factor here. Team members have a gross salary per hour in their contract. As an employer, however, you pay more than just the gross salary. You can include these employer costs by setting a conversion factor.

Wage period settings

With this setting you can set the start date of a wage period. You can also indicate the duration of a period and how many hours a full-time working week is. The settings may differ per contract type.

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