Processing waiting days

If you want to add a waiting day for a team member, you can process this in the following way.

Updated over a week ago

In many collective labor agreements the first day of illness is at your own expense. In this case you speak of a waiting day. The easiest way to register this is by setting the type of the hour line to Sick. This line will turn red and you will know that it concerns a sick day.

Because this first day of illness is for the team member's own account, you will not have to write hours on this. It is then easiest to reset the end time to the start time of the shift and effectively 00:00 hours will have been worked on this day. This will ensure that the team member will accrue minus hours and these will therefore be for his own account, because the hours must be made up at another time.

Do you work with two waiting days?

Is there a two-day waiting period in your collective labor agreement? Repeat the above action on the second day of illness.

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