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Edit hour entries

In this article you learn how to edit multiple hour entries at once.

Updated over 9 months ago

You can easily edit an hour entry by clicking on it. In the window you can edit whatever needs editing and then approve.

Sometimes you want to edit multiple hour entries. For instance, you might want to give several hour entries the type sick hours or add breaks to multiple hour entries. Fortunately, there's a faster way to do this.

View: per team member

Follow these steps to adjust multiple hour entries:

  1. Click on 'Tools' on the right.

  2. Click on 'Edit multiple hour entries'.

  3. Select the hour entries that you want to edit. You can select all hours for a team member by clicking on the checkbox next to their name or all shifts for a day or week by clicking the checkbox next to the day or week.

  4. Click on 'Perform action' on the bottom of your screen.

  5. Select 'Edit hour entries.

  6. Choose the fields you want to adjust.

  7. Click on 'Save'.

You can adjust the following fields:

  • Start time/end time

  • Meal allowance

  • Note

  • Break time

  • Type of hours

  • Hours in team

View: as a table

Follow these steps to adjust multiple hour entries:

  1. Select the hour entries that you want to edit. If you click on the checkbox at the top, then you mark all shifts. If you click next to a grouping, then you mark all the shifts within that grouping, and if you click next to a single shift, you only mark that shift.

  2. Click on 'Perform action' on the bottom of your screen.

  3. Select 'Edit hour entries.

  4. Choose the fields you want to adjust.

  5. Click on 'Save'.

You can adjust the following fields:

  • Start time/end time

  • Meal allowance

  • Note

  • Break time

  • Type of hours

  • Hours in team

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