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What is the difference between Business Partners and Booking Partners? Which one should I choose?
What is the difference between Business Partners and Booking Partners? Which one should I choose?
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Written by Beast
Updated over a year ago

Becoming a Business Partner is suitable for companies managing a fleet of Teslas (5 vehicles or more) seeking to capitalize on their fleet's potential. By integrating their fleet of Teslas into the established Beast Rent platform, Business Partners can monetize their assets and earn 65% of the generated profit.

Becoming a Booking Partner is ideal for you, if you are an individual Tesla owner possessing 1 to 4 vehicles. This is a great opportunity to leverage your ownership by intermittently listing your Tesla(s) on the established Beast Rent platform to earn extra income. Booking Partners receive 50% of the profit from their vehicle(s).

Here's a side-by-side overview of the two:

Business Partner

Booking Partner

No of Teslas



Commitment period

6+ months

Choose your own via booking calendar (coming soon)

Test Period

1 month

No test period

Partner share from the profit

65%-75% of the profit generated from the fleet*

50% of the profit from listed vehicle(s)


Via the Beast Rent app

Via the Beast Rent app

Traffic Insurance

Mandatory for Partner

Mandatory for Partner

Comprehensive Insurance



Beast branding


Not mandatory

AVG Income estimate


Dependent on the # of bookings

Performance overview

My dashboard to view rentals, km-s driven and total revenue

My dashboard to view rentals, km-s driven and total revenue


Monetizing company-owned Tesla fleets by integration with Beast Rent platform

Generating supplemental income by occasionally listing Tesla(s) on Beast Rent platform

*Standard deal- 65% of profit for fleets consisting of 5-15 vehicles

Custom deal up to 75% of profit for fleets with 16 and more vehicles)

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