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The Divi Blurb Module (Divi 5)
The Divi Blurb Module (Divi 5)

Learn how to use Divi's Blurb Module to combine text and visuals, creating engaging highlights for services, features, or key information.

Updated over a week ago

The Divi Blurb Module combines text with images or icons to highlight services, features, or processes. It's ideal for showcasing key information with accompanying visuals.

Add The Divi Blurb Module

When you load the Visual Builder, Divi automatically adds a Section.

  1. Click the Green Plus icon to insert a Row.

  2. Click the Gray Plus icon inside the Row, which will show the list of all available Divi modules.

  3. Find the Blurb module inside the Row, which will show the list of all available Divi modules.

Divi 5 - Add the Blurb Module

The Blurb Module Use Cases

  1. Service Highlights: Showcase individual services with an icon or image, a brief description, and a link for more details.

  2. Feature Lists: Present product features in a clean, organized layout using icons and concise text.

  3. Process Steps: Illustrate step-by-step processes with numbered blurbs, aiding user comprehension.

Blurb Module Settings Breakdown

Once you've added the Blurb module, the module settings automatically pop up. This is where this module's content and design styles are configured. These settings are organized into three groups via the tabs at the top of the module:

The Content tab

The Content tab lets you set the Blurb's title and body text, select an image or icon, and customize other key settings.

Divi 5 - Blurb module's Content tab
  1. Text - Edit the Burb's Title and boxy text.

  2. Image & Icon - Choose to display an Image or an Icon.

  3. Link - Make the entire Blurb module clickable, creating a seamless way to direct users to another page, section, or external site.

  4. Background - Choose the Blurb module's background styles.

  5. Admin Label - Choose the Blurb module's label text to assist you in keeping things organized and easy to understand in the Visual Builder.

The Design tab

All the design styles and options for the Blurb module are in this tab.

Divi 5 - Blurb module's Design tab
  1. Image & Icon - Choose the Blurb module's Icon design options.

  2. Text - Choose the overall Blurb module's text styles for this module.

  3. Title Text - Choose the Blurb module's title styles.

  4. Body Text - Choose the Blurb module's body text styles.

  5. Sizing - Choose the Blurb module's sizing.

  6. Spacing - Choose the Blurb module's spacing.

  7. Border - Choose the Blurb module's border styles.

  8. Box Shadow - Choose the Blurb module's Box Shadow styles.

  9. Filters - Choose the Blurb module's filters such as hue shifts, saturation changes, and blending modes.

  10. Transform - Choose the Blurb module's advanced design effects, such as scaling, rotating, skewing, and translating.

  11. Animation - Choose the Blurb module's animation styles adding personality and interactivity while keeping a polished, professional feel.

The Advanced tab

The Advanced tab provides tools for experienced designers, including options for adding CSS IDs and Classes, controlling visibility, managing transitions, adjusting element positions, and creating scroll effects.

Divi 5 - Blurb module's Advanced tab
  1. CSS ID & Classes - Allows you to assign unique CSS ID or reusable CSS classes, enabling advanced custom styling through your child theme’s stylesheet or Divi’s custom CSS settings.

  2. Custom CSS - Allows you to add custom CSS code to fine-tune your Blurb module, enabling advanced styling that perfectly aligns with your vision.

  3. Visibility - Choose the Blurb's module visibility based on different devices.

  4. Conditions - Allows you to create dynamic, personalized content, ensuring the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.

  5. Transitions - Choose how long Blurb's module animation takes, adding subtle, impactful animations that enhance user experience and make your modules stand out.

  6. Position - Choose precise control of the Blurb's module placement and create dynamic, visually engaging designs.

  7. Scroll Effects - Control how the Blurb module behaves and transforms during scrolling.

What's the next step?

Save your changes and exit the Visual Builder

To save the page design, you can type CMD + S on a Mac or CTRL + S on a PC.

You can also:

  1. Click on the Save button.

  2. Click on the Exit button.

Divi 5 - Save and Exit Visual Builder

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