How to manage and assign judges:
Go to the "Judges" section in the left-hand navigation panel (flag icon).
Add judges by selecting from those already added to the competition or registered as participants.
If judges are not registered, manually add them by entering their details. You can now add them only with First and Last name, and add the phone number later.
Assign judges to specific subdivisions within the event schedule.
For simple competitions (no programs or categories):
Assign judges directly to an apparatus without additional setup.
Judges will appear in a single subdivision view, regardless of the number of subdivisions.
For advanced competitions (with programs or categories):
Assign judges to different subdivisions as needed.
Judges are automatically assigned to subdivisions and apparatuses where the same categories exist.
Important notes about drafts and publishing:
Changes are saved as drafts until published.
The Publish button affects both MAG and WAG simultaneously.
Publishing judges also publish gymnasts and vice versa.
Judges cannot see or judge the tournament until the schedule is published.
Restarting the schedule or using the Wizard to customize it will remove all assigned judges.
Any changes in the schedule are only visible to the competition owner and admins until published.
Additional features:
Editing judges: A judge's details can be edited unless they have already logged in.
Replacing judges: Judges with the phone number can be replaced on a specific apparatus or all apparatuses assigned to them at once. If the replaced judge has already scored, you can choose to transfer their scores to the new judge.
Removing judges: When removing a judge who has entered scores their scores will be deleted. If you want to keep scored replace the judge with another person instead
Copying judge jury: You can copy a judge panel from one apparatus to another or to multiple subdivisions. This feature allows you to select specific subdivisions or apply it to all where the same judge jury exists.
Remember that if a phone number is not entered for a judge, they cannot judge and won’t see their judging roles options in the app until the phone number is added and the schedule is published.