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Driver Skills

Adding skills to a driver

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 10 months ago

Skills enable you to make sure certain Tasks requiring specific skills are only matched with the relevant Driver / Drivers with the skill.

During optimization, the Tasks with specific skill requirements will be matched accordingly with the Drivers who have those skills associated with them.

Adding Driver Skills

Before attributing any skills to Drivers, they first need to be imported into eLogii.
The first step to setting up Driver skills starts in Configuration β‡’ Driver Skills.

Click Edit and write the name of the skill you want to add and press enter to confirm the entry.

Click Save once the skills have been added to confirm.

At the moment, it's not possible to import Driver skills via CSV, however they can be added via API.

Assigning Skills

After setting up Driver Skills in Configuration, the next step is to add this skills to the Drivers themselves.

Adding a skill to a driver can be done in Drivers β‡’ Driver Profile β‡’ Skills.

Click Save once all the skills have been assigned.

Alternatively, you can also assign skills to Drivers via CSV either by means of Import or Update. Makes sure that the column name in the CSV file is skills, and their values are identical to how they are listed in eLogii. This means that if your skill name starts with a capital letter in eLogii, it must be entered as such in the CSV file, otherwise eLogii will register it as a different skill. For example, if you have a skill called French, if it's listed as french in the file, it won't be a valid input.

Adding multiple skills within one file is possible and you need to separate them with a comma (Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3 etc.). You can attribute as many or as few skills to your Drivers as you wish.

Adding Skills to Tasks

When you create a Task, make sure to select the required skills to complete the Task successfully.

Or, during CSV import, make sure that the skills column is populated with the appropriate skill name. As is the case with Driver skill assignment, the same logic applies here - the skill values in the CSV file need to be identical to how they are entered in eLogii (this includes capital letters, numbers, special characters etc.). One Task can have multiple skill requirements and they are listed within the skills column and separated with a comma (Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3 etc.)..

Driver Skill Use Examples

There are many use cases for Driver skills, and how you're going to utilize them entirely depends on how your business operates and which results you wish to achieve. Here are a couple of suggestions and common use cases eLogii customers cover with Driver Skills:

Matching Drivers with specific jobs or customers

The most common one is as a way to add a particular attribute to your Driver - for example if the Driver speaks Spanish, you can assign them to Spanish-speaking customers, or Tasks that require knowledge of the language, based on this skill. That way, you ensure that communication with customers is seamless and smooth, or that the worker with the adequate skill set is assigned to a particular job.

And extension of this is the case If your Drivers have specific clients they work with, and you always want to match those Drivers with their clients. This can be achieved by creating a skill named after the client ( for example, our Driver's client is John Smith, so we will create a skill called John Smith). and assigning it to your Driver. That client's Tasks will always be assigned to that Driver, provided that only that Driver has the client's name as an assigned skill.

Limiting area of operation

Another way you could use skills is to 'zone' a city - for example: Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3. This would ensure that Drivers with a Zone 1 tag handle Tasks from Zone 1 and that they do not go to drivers in other zones of the city. This is one way of utilizing Driver Skills. eLogii has a dedicated Zone feature, and you can read more about it here.

Task Pre-assignment

Often, there are situations where you want to pre-assign a Task to a particular Driver, or to pre-assign a route, Usually, this is done through the Driver's UIDs, however that triggers an automatic optimization on import, and sometimes users don't want that. To bypass this, you can create a skill and name it after your Driver - it can be their first and last name, their username, UID, external ID, or whichever identifier you want (as long as it's unique), and attributing it only to that Driver. That way, all the Tasks that need to go to a specific Driver will be assigned to them exclusively.

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