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Vehicle Types

Creating and assigning vehicle types

eLogii avatar
Written by eLogii
Updated over 11 months ago

Vehicle types allow you to set specifications for a particular subset of your vehicle fleet and then select this 'type' when adding vehicles, saving you duplicating inputs across multiple vehicles of the same type.

This means that you can create presets such as specific vehicle dimensions, weight, capacity, and so on and apply them to any newly added vehicle without the need to manually enter that information each time you wish to add a new vehicle. This is especially useful if your business is growing and if you need to accelerate the data migration process around vehicles.

Enabling Vehicle types

Before defining vehicle types, the feature needs to be enabled. To do this, navigate to Configuration β‡’ Dashboard Settings and enable the toggle under Vehicle type.

Creating and Defining a Vehicle type

Creating a vehicle type can be done in the Vehicles β‡’ Vehicle Types.

The information that can be inserted is identical to the information for creating a Vehicle.

They can be added manually or imported via CSV file. If you wish to upload a CSV file, you may download the upload template provided on the import page. The only mandatory fields are the Vehicle type name and capacity.

If you plan on making changes to vehicle types after you've created them, you can edit them as much as you wish and the changes will automatically be applied to all the Vehicles that are connected to the vehicle type. For example, if you change the capacity to your vehicle type, that change will immediately be reflected on all the vehicles that belong to that type and they will display the newly defined capacity instead of the old one.

Click Save once all the information has been added.

Assigning a type to a vehicle can be done in the Vehicles β‡’ Vehicle profile β‡’ Vehicle Type.

Click Save once the changes have been made.

Vehicle type exporting

Vehicle types can also be exported by clicking the Export button located in the bottom left section of the screen. For more information on other data that can be exported, please refer to this article.

Before exporting, it is also possible to filter them based on minimum and maximum capacity, capabilities, and other parameters.

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