Updated over a week ago

What is a Hashtag

A Hashtag is a combination of keywords, preceded by a numeral symbol (#). It works as a label to identify and filter content about the same subject.

An already published Hashtag is a hyperlink that allows you to quickly display all the publications, comments and answers in which it was used. It’s a powerful tool to help you attract your desired audience or find more information on a particular topic.

How to create a Hashtag

To create a Hashtag you just have to enter the numeral symbol (#) followed by the keyword you wish to use. You can use uppercase or lowercase letters and numbers. The use of accent mark , cedilla (Ç) and virgulilla (Ñ) are also allowed. The use of scripts or other symbols is not allowed. The Hashtag ends when entering a space or an invalid character.

Hashtags suggestions

When you start writing a Hashtag, a box with suggestions for public Hashtags used previously in Company or Profiles spaces will be displayed. If you are creating a Hashtag in a private space, the suggestion will also show those used in that space.

These suggestions will be shown in lowercase, regardless of the text that is being entered. The table will show a maximum of 10 suggestions, starting with the most recently used ones.

Filter content using Hashtags

When clicking on a Hashtag, the platform will show all posts, comments and answers that contain it. The results will be seen as a list of publications, highlighting the appearances of hashtag. In case it’s in a comment or response, it may not be shown at first sight, since the search returns a list of Publications.

It can be filtered by Hashtag in some spaces and profile Home Walls. The results will be displayed in chronological order of the Publication, Comment or Response where the Hashtag (from most recent to oldest) appears.

To close the search, simply click on "Close" and you will return to the Social Wall view.

Use of hashtags in the mobile application

Hashtags are also available, with the same functionality, in applications for Android and iOS systems.

As the same way in the web platform, a hashtag is created by prepending the numeral symbol (#) to a text. By doing so, suggestions for used hashtags will appear on your screen.

On the other hand, when clicking on a published hashtag, we will see a search of all the publications where it appears.

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