Notify space members

Notify all users of your latest post!

Updated over a week ago

#Note: Only space admins can use this function. 

Notify members from the Web application

When a space administrator wants to notify all members of a new publication, it can be done through the option "Notify all members", available in the publications editor.

By default, the Notify checkbox is disabled. By checking it, all members of a space will receive a single notification, both on the Web and in the mobile application (Push Notification), notifying the new content.

However, that doesn't mean that all members will automatically keep receiving notifications for interactions the post receives (comments, likes), unless they participate in them.

The notification message will be the following:

{Administrator Name} posted at {Space Name}

Notify members from the mobile app

This function is also available for post made at GOconnect mobile app for Android and iOS. By click in “Publish” button, a tab will open to activate notifications.

Important: This tab will be only available if you’re a space admin for the space you are creating the post. .

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