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Heartly House, Inc.
Milan Markov avatar
Written by Milan Markov
Updated over 3 years ago

Name: Heartly House, Inc.

Street Address: P.O. Box 857

City and State: Frederick, MD

ZIP Code: 21705

Phone number: 301-418-6610

Hotline 1: 301-662-8800


Heartly House, Inc. provides services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include: a 24-hour hotline, counseling, legal services, emergency shelter, safe hospital accompaniment, crisis intervention, and outreach education. Heartly House, Inc.’s legal services program provides legal services free of charge. On-site attorneys represent clients at protective order and peace order hearings in district and circuit court; attorneys represent a limited number of clients in family law matters in circuit court; victim advocates provide accompaniment and support for civil and criminal proceedings; advocates also provide safety planning, advocacy, referrals, support, hospital accompaniments, information on courthouse protocol. Heartly House, Inc. serves Frederick County.

#emergencyshelter #dvfocused #petoptions

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