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Paperwork Checklist
Written by Tomas Kurtz
Updated over a week ago


  • Birth certificates & social security cards for yourself, your children/ dependents.

  • Driver’s license & passports.

  • W2s & pay stubs.

  • Work permits.

  • Government benefits card.

  • Green card or immigration papers.

  • Marriage, divorce, and custody papers.

  • Legal protection or restraining orders.

  • Records of any police reports.

  • Health insurance & medical records.

  • Your children’s school records.

  • Immunization records.

  • Financial records & bank account numbers.

  • Rental agreement, lease, house deed.

  • Car title, registration, and insurance documentation.

Tip: Take photos of these documents ahead of time and keep them in a secure digital

file. Photos can be 1. sufficient proof of documentation, and 2. photos will make it easier for you to replace the document if you need to leave without it.

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