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🎯 Dynamic Rewards Explained: Smarter Sales Incentives
🎯 Dynamic Rewards Explained: Smarter Sales Incentives

Add multiple rewards in the same campaign!

Updated over a week ago

Create one campaign with dynamic rewards!
This feature allows you to reward your sales associates to earn different rewards within one campaign, depending on which product they're selling.
​Step 1 - Create a new "Sales Incentives" campaign
Select "Money" as reward type and click on "Confirm".

Step 2 - Activate "Dynamic cash rewards"

​❗ Note: For the "Dynamic cash rewards" field to appear, you must have added multiple items in the mission you've created (see example below).

Step 3 - Enter rewards per item
You can now insert all the products that participate in this campaign and decide which reward should be given to the sales associates for selling this product.
Product All Mountain and Park/Rails will issue a $1 reward.
Product Powder and SplitBoard will issue a $2 reward.
​A maximum of 3 different cash rewards can be added.

​Step 4 - Confirm your selected items & rewards
Once everything has been added to the campaign, select "next" to proceed

​Step 5 - Decide how often users can unlock your reward

Step 6 - Reward Setup Overview
You'll now be given an overview to review the selected items and their rewards.
Everything looks good? Hit "Confirm" to continue building your campaign.

​Step 7 - Launch your campaign!
Once you've added all the rewards, click on ''next'' to choose when this campaign will go live.

​Step 8 - Select when you want to launch your campaign

- Launch Now instruction are found below
- Schedule Launch instruction can be found here

Step 9 - Select the criteria on when the campaign should end.
This can be a specific date, when the budget or codes run out, or you can select multiple ways and whatever has been reached first will end your campaign.

​Step 10 - Select '' Launch '' and Promote your campaign

Learn more about our campaign promoter tool here!

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