Looking to end a campaign early? Good news, this can be done directly in your Brand Portal in a few steps!
Step 1 - Log in your Brand Portal
From your Brand Portal, select the Campaigns Tab
Step 2 - Locate your campaign
In the Campaign tab, locate the campaign you're looking to end.
Step 3 - End the campaign
Select the Three Dots which are located on the right-hand side and click on ''End''
Step 4 - Confirmation
Confirm by selecting '' Yes, I'm sure! '', once done, the campaign will move to the finished tab
Once a campaign is ''Ended'' it can not be relaunched directly from the Brand Portal, you may reach out to your CSM for assistance
You can relaunch a new campaign based on the one that was ended or that finished by default/ending criteria
Always feel free to reach out to support@endvr.io for any kind of questions.