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Approving employee join requests
Approving employee join requests

Find out how to approve requests from employees trying to join your private store!

Albert avatar
Written by Albert
Updated over a week ago

How to Approve an Employee Join Request

With ENDVR , you have the option of making any of the stores associated to your account private. This means that any employees who want to join your store in the mobile app will need to request to do so. Once they've requested, you have the option of accepting or rejecting their request to join via your web application. Please check out the details below for how that works!

How It Works (Video)

How It Works (Step-by-step text)

STEP 1 - After downloading the app and creating their account, your employees will request to join your store, and will remain pending until you approve them. The below screen is what it looks like from their end.

STEP 2 - You will be notified via e-mail that there has been request to join your store. The next time you log in to the web panel, you'll see a notification next to the store indicating that someone is pending acceptance.

STEP 3 - By clicking on that store, you'll see any pending join requests, and can either click the green check mark on the right to approve, or the red circle to reject.

STEP 4 - Once you've completed this, the employee will move from the 'pending requests' to 'current employees' section. They will also now have full access on their mobile ENDVR app to any content available to your store.

*Please Note: clicking on any of the action buttons in the email you receive will NOT approve the employee join request. You need to physically LOGIN to the web application in order to approve any pending employee requests. If you do not see the screen in step 3, then you have not done it correctly and the employee will still be pending.

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