If a rep needs to cancel a loan application (add a co-borrower, choose a different lender, etc), and they do not see the "cancel application and try again" button on the financing page, we can void the loan application for the rep by following the steps below:
Troubleshooting Steps:
Check V1's “Loan Application Details.”
Ensure that the lenders match and the application date is recent.
If the lender is incorrect or the date is stale, delete the old finance application at
Note: Keep in mind that the rep can not do this themselves. Only, Support has access to this section of the deal.
1- Go to Admin (cloaked out) > all deals > search customer > audit
2- Once you are in the audit page, click on "lender application audit"
3- Click on the "delete" button on the upper right corner.
4- Go back to the financing page and make sure the rep can now fill out a new application. ( This example is an application from Goodleap. Some other loan applications might look different depending on the lender )