If you have a V2 deal that has adders showing on the agreement that were not selected within the deal or proposal, check the product's settings in V1.
Open the product in the company settings in V1
Cloak into the company > Sales Company at top menu bar > Products
Scroll to adder showing on contract and click on Blue Pencil to edit
If ONLY the Always include in quote is checked-
If you read the small print it states that "When the setting is on and the activation question found in the deal is NO or unanswered we will see the adder in the additional items AND in the additional item drawer as selected."
Because it was not selected in the deal (unanswered) that is why it shows on the agreement
Check the Starts inactive box and save settings.
Re-finalize proposal and re-build agreement, the adder should no longer be showing on the agreement.
Reference ticket: https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/21589371/record/0-5/2399008863