If you get an error that states, "You do not have the required HIS Number on your user profile", you must add your state sales rep license information to your account.
The license information needs to be added into the V1 user settings section to fix this error. Company admins can add this by clicking "Users" and then "View" next to the user that needs their HIS License added. Scroll down to the section that says "Sales Rep State License Numbers" and click +Add License. Enter in the state, license number, and expiration and then click save.
Or reach out to Enerflo support with a picture of your sales rep license and support can add it in.
Once this information has been added the error will clear and you should be able to load the proposal.
If the sales rep entered in a license number under the "Sales Rep License Number" field, this will usually need to be removed as well before the proposals will load /span>