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Change Order Feature FAQs
Change Order Feature FAQs

Change Order Feature FAQs

Emilie avatar
Written by Emilie
Updated yesterday

Q: Is the content of the change order form standard?

A: No, every partner should have their own change order form but most changes are pretty standard/common across partners. We have a list of standard annotations in Guru. Note that complicated forms may require more time to implement

Q: What is the relevance to the change order numbers that appear on the deal page?

A: If you go to EPC – Change Orders, you will see all the change orders and each one is associated with an Id number. It is simply a tracking mechanism and helps to track the change order to the install agreement.

Q: What happens if I want to revert to the original agreement?

A: You can go into the Change Order list view and void all the change order back to the original agreement that was signed.

Q: Are non-admins allowed or not allowed to create change orders. In other words, which uses have the privilege to be able to create a change order?

A: It's currently set to users with the company or supercompany role right now (provided they are from the company doing the install).

Q: How does change orders set the precedent for us to be able to automate commissions?

A: If change orders are done outside of Enerflo, it is difficult to automatically calculate commissions when the scope of the agreement has changed. Now that we are capturing this data, we would be able to track changes to commissions when needed.

Q: What is our response if a partner does not have a change order form and asks us for an example?

A: We can provide our demo change order form but we must caveat that this has to be a legally binding document and we make no claims on it being a legally valid document. As long as they understand the legal implications, they can utilize ours but change the logo.

Q: Can lenders receive updates from change orders?

A: Only a couple integrated lenders will receive an updated system cost.

  • GoodLeap will receive an updated system cost if there is one.

  • Sunlight will receive an updated system cost ONLY IF THE LOAN DOC HAS NOT BEEN SIGNED.

  • We do not have change order integrations with any other integrated financier at this time.

Q: Does the system cost automatically get the value added from the adders section? Or is this manual?

A: No the system cost doesn't get automatically changed by the adders, we didn't want to make assumptions, maybe the sales rep will eat the cost of the upgrade, or maybe they want to adjust the price for the customer. The dealer fees and gross ppw will get recalculated.

Q: Why doesn't system size change when panel count is changed?

A: In general, there may not be enough information for us to automatcially determine what the system size may be when changing the panel count. So we left system size as a manual change.

Q: What is the purpose of the design image field?

A: It was part of an existing partner's change order form. It can be used as part of panel changes on the house.
​Q: If I need to create a second or third change order, how do I decide whether the "old" data on the form references the original deal, or the most recent signed change order?
If you use the Change Order link in the "Quick Links" section of the Install record, it will use the original deal as the "old" data. However, if you scroll down to the Change Orders section and click the plus sign, it will use the signed change order to generate the "old" data!

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