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Title Check in V2

Title Check in V2

Emilie avatar
Written by Emilie
Updated yesterday

The Title Check plugin lets reps verify property ownership by running an automatic check. Reps confirm that at least one property owner matches the customer applying for financing and can view the title report if more information is needed. This card will go over:

  • Setup and Settings

  • Example Usage

Setup and Settings

To add the Title Check plugin, go to the v2 Admin menu, navigate to Orgs > Select an Org > Plugins. Then navigate to your org's deal template and add it under Plugins. This will make the plugin available as a stage in the deal process.

Enabling from Sales Orgs: If your sales org wants to allow users to download the title results PDF while using an installer's title check, you'll need to add the plugin to the sales org and enable the PDF download setting




Example Usage

After running the check, a list of available homeowners will appear for selection


Clicking a name will automatically update the lead and deal details to match for financing and agreement signing


By default, the downloadable PDF is available only to admins. It becomes accessible to all users if the setting is enabled


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