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Pending Items

Members > Classifieds > Pending Items

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over 3 years ago

Pending Items will show all of the Classified Ads that have been submitted by the members / subscribers on your site.

To approve an item, you must...

  1. Click the checkboxes next to each item you wish to approve, then

  2. Click the Save Changes button.

Here is how a member / subscriber will submit a Classified Ad:

Manage an Item

Any item, pending or approved, can be managed to update their information and status. To do this, you can click the blue link of an item's name.

Note: For the "Approve this item" field, having this marked will "approve" the item to be in the "Approved Items" list, while having it unmarked will make it "unapproved" and have it on the "Pending Items" list.

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