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Custom Forms

Tools > Custom Forms

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over 4 months ago


  • Create a form for contests or other submission data.

  • Once you've created a form, you can add it to any page except the homepage.

  • All form entries are stored for viewing, printing, and downloading.



STEP 1 - Under TOOLS > CUSTOM FORMS > Add Form (in green box)

Fill out these fields to add a form:

  • Form Name: The name of your form (ex: Car Contest)

  • Form Owner: The owner of the form (ex: Your Name)

  • Form Owner Email: The email address(s) that the notifications will be sent to when a form is submitted. Separate email addresses with a comma and a space.

  • Email Notification Subject: The title of the notification email sent to the Form Owner. (ex: New Car Contest Entry).

Click the edit (pencil) button to access the form settings and add your form's fields.

STEP 2 - Edit the form

Next, fill out the remaining form settings:

  • Introduction / Confirmation Message: Clicking the "Edit Now" button allows you to set up and edit the introduction and confirmation message for the form.

    • Introduction (optional): The text or content that will appear above the form. 

    • Confirmation Message: The message that will display after the user completes the form. This message will also be sent via e-mail, if the Confirmation Subject is filled out.

  • Confirmation Subject: The confirmation e-mail that is sent to the form submitter will have this subject line (Ex: Thank you!).

    • If this is left blank, no auto response will be sent to the submitter.

  • Limit Submissions (optional):  Limit users to one submission.

    • An "Email" field is required on the form for the "Limit Submissions" option to work. A regular text field for emails will not work.

Listed below are additional fields that can be set up or adjusted:

  • Captcha: Captcha is an option to help prevent spammers from filling out the form. We recommended to keep this turned on.

  • Custom Privacy Notice: Every custom form will display a default Privacy Notice. You can override the default notice, by filling out this option. 

  • Photo Gallery: If your form uses the Image Upload field, you can have those images automatically drop into an existing Photo Gallery. This is great for Photo Contests!

    • Note: Any submitted image that get dropped into the connected photo gallery will be hidden by default, so you will have to manually turn them on.

STEP 3 - Add Fields to the Form

There are many different field types to add to a form. The type of information you are collecting will determine which field types to use.

Generally to add a field; Type the field name, select the field type, select the "Required" check box if you'd like the field to be required, and finally select "Add Field".

Tip: Always add the "Email" field to your form to ensure the confirmation
message can be sent to the form submitter.

Browse the list of field types below for a brief description:


  • Text (Single): Displays a single lined input box

  • Text (Multi Line): Displays a large multi-lined input box

  • Checkboxes: Displays boxes that allow user to select one or more options

  • Radio Buttons: Displays buttons that allow the user to select only one option

  • Drop-Down Menu: Displays a drop-down list with options


  • First Name: Displays a member's first name, or an input box

  • Last Name: Displays a member's last name, or an input box

  • Email: Displays a member's e-mail address, or an input box. This is required for confirmation messages to send and for the "Limit Submissions" option to work

  • Phone 1: Displays a member's primary phone number, or an input box

  • Phone 2: Displays a member's secondary phone number, or an input box

File Uploads

  • PDF or DOC: Displays a "Choose File" box that accepts PDF or DOC files

  • MP3 Audio File: Displays a "Choose File" box that only accepts MP3 files

  • Image Upload: Displays a "Choose File" box that accepts JPEG or PNG files


  • Date Picker: Displays an input box for a date to be submitted.

Special Topic: Combo Fields

The following field types are your combo fields:

  • Checkboxes

  • Radio Buttons

  • Drop-down Menu

These fields require "combo values" - or options - for them to work, which will give the form submitter options to choose from in the form (ex: If the combo field is "What's your favorite color", then the combo values will be "red", "blue", "green", etc).

To add in your combo values / options for these kinds of fields, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select the combo field from the "Combo Fields" drop-down menu.

  2. Add a combo value in the field below, and click "Add Combo Value". Rinse and repeat for your next one.

STEP 4 - View the Form Preview

The form preview is displayed at the bottom of the form settings - to show how the fields will display on the website. Next to each field, there are three options you can use:

  • Checkboxes - Check or un-check the option each field to be "Required" or not. If you make any changes to this option for any field, you have to click the "Save Changes" button above the "Form Preview" box.

  • Red "Trash Bin" Icon - Clicking on this icon next to a field allows you to delete the field from the form. There will be no way to get it back after it is deleted, so you would have to recreate it for the form if you need it again.

    • NOTE: If submissions were made for a form and a field was filled out in each one, deleting said field from the form will remove the info that was filled within it from the "Submissions" section in the back-end with no way to get them back.

      • Creating a new field with the same name and type will not fix this as it will only collect info from the day it was created and onward.

      • We recommend before deleting the field downloading the current submissions from the form's "Submissions" section so you don't lose any important information. You can click here for more info on how to do it.

  • Blue "Arrows" Icon - By holding down the left-click on the icon, you can re-order a field by dragging it to a new spot. Any changes made using this option will always save automatically.

STEP 5 - Place The Form on a Page

  1. Navigate to the page under the Menu & Pages tab where you would like your form to be placed.

    • Note: Custom forms can only be added on pages that are not the homepage.

  2. Add an item to the page selecting "Custom Form (Manage under Tools)" as your item type.

  3. In the "Settings" (gear icon) for the custom form item, select Form Settings, then in the drop-down, select your form.

  4. "Save" these changes.


For any new submissions made for a form, they are sent to two areas:

  • The email address set up within the "Form Owner Email" field for the form

  • The "Submissions" section for the form

In the "Submissions" section, you can view the list of submissions made for your form. If there are any submissions you would like to remove, you can do either of the following:

  • Click the red "trash bin" icon to delete one, or

  • Checkmark the boxes next to at least one submission and click the "Save Changes" button.

Here are the steps on how to do this:

  1. Click "Tools"

  2. Select "Custom Forms"

  3. Click the blue "Paper" icon

    • Note: The icon will have a number to the right side of it, showing how many submission was made for a form.

  4. Mark submissions as "Read". Alternatively, click the red "trash bin" to delete a submission.

  5. Click the "Save Changes" button. For any submissions marked as "Read", they will be removed.

Note: You can also access this section by clicking "Form Submission" near the top when editing a form.

Can I download the list of submissions for my form?

Yes, you can. In the "Submissions" section, click the "Download All Entries" button to download the list as a .CSV file. This file can be opened with Microsoft Excel.

Need More Help? Use the Support icon in the bottom right for help,
call us at 217-239-0975, or email us at

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