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Menu & Pages > Main Pages > Homepage

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a week ago

Watch Video Tutorial

โ€‹Public Side:

Admin Side:

Key Points

  • Your Homepage contains multiple editable areas.

  • Be sure to "select an area" before adding/editing stack items.

Selecting A Homepage Area To Edit

Step 1 - Select the desired homepage area from the drop-down list.

  • The list of selectable homepage areas has been set up for you by LinkedUpRadio / Envisionwise during your site setup.

  • NOTE: If you would like the names of certain homepage areas to be changed, contact LinkedUpRadio / Envisionwise and we will be happy to help!

Step 2 - Edit items.

Once you have selected a homepage area, add/edit the items in that section in the same way as for Menu Pages and Side Columns.

Learn how to use the Homepage section under the Menu and Pages tab of our content management system in this overview video:

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