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Menu Links

Menu & Pages > Menu Links

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a week ago

Website Side:

Admin Side:

Key Points

  • Add links into the main menu of your website that redirect to internal pages (on your website) or external pages (on other websites).

  • Menu links can only be added into the sub-containers / sub-menus of the main menu. Contact LinkedUpRadio if you need to change any of the main buttons in the main menu.

  • Menu links are not sub-pages, they are just links.

  • Menu links can be inserted into any of the main menu's sub-containers / sub-menus

  • You can control all of the sub-items in your main menu through the sub-pages and sub-links tools

  • Exceptions: The sub-container links under some main menu buttons ( i.e. photo galleries, personalities, and/or podcasts) will automatically generate links as individual photo galleries, personalities, and/or podcasts are added to each of their retrospective tools.

Table of Content

Add a Menu Link to an Internal Page

In the top left, there is a box labeled "Add a Link to an Internal Page". In the "Title" field, enter the title/name of the link.

Step 2 - Select a page

When the link is clicked by a visitor, where do you want it to take them? Designate to which internal page (on your website) that the link will take the visitor by selecting a page from the list of internal pages.

Note: The internal page list contains the titles for all of the pages on your website. If you need to link to a page on another website, add a link to an external page.

Place your link under a main menu button. Choose from the drop down list of available options. 

The new link will appear in the menu overview.

Select the "Arrow" icon next to the new menu link in the menu overview to display the settings. 

These are what are available in the settings:

  • Title - The title / name of the menu link.

  • Target - Determine how the menu link will open.

    • Same Window - Link will open in the existing window.

      • The default option. Select this option when linking an internal page.

    • New Window - Link will open in a new window or tab.

      • Important: Select this option when linking to an external page so users don't lose your website on their web browser.

    • Top Window - Link will open in outside of an iframe.

      • This is not recommended for most links.

  • Red "Trash Bin" Icon - Clicking this will allow you to delete the menu link. Once deleted, there will be no way to get it back.

Note: There is no option in the settings to change the URL for the link. If you need to change it, you would need to recreate the link and delete the faulty one.

Hold down the left-click on any of the menu links and drag them. This will allow you to change their position in the list.

Step 7 - Select "Update Menu"

Your changes will be saved. 

Add a Menu Link to an External Page

In the top right, there is a box labeled "Add a Link to an External Page". In the "Title" field, enter the title/name of the link.

Step 2 - Enter a URL

Enter the URL for the external page to link to.

Place your link under a main menu button. Choose from the drop down list of available options. 

The new link will appear in the menu overview.

Select the "Arrows" icon next to the new menu link in the menu overview to display
the settings. 

These are what are available in the settings:

  • Title - Edit the title / name of the menu link.

  • Target - Determine how the menu link will open.

    • Same Window - Link will open in the existing window.

      • The default option. Select this option when linking an internal page.

    • New Window - Link will open in a new window or tab.

      • Important: Select this option when linking to an external page so users don't lose your website on their web browser.

    • Top Window - Link will open in outside of an iframe.

      • This is not recommended for most links.

  • Red "Trash Bin" Icon - Clicking this will allow you to delete the menu link. Once deleted, there will be no way to get it back.

Note: There is no option in the settings to change the URL for the link. If you need to change it, you would need to recreate the link and delete the faulty one.

Hold down the left-click on any of the menu links and drag them. This will allow you to change their position in the list.

Step 7 - Select "Update Menu"

Your changes will be saved.

Learn how to use the Menu Links section under the Menu and Pages tab of our content management system in this overview video:

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