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Member Database (StudioTexter)
Member Database (StudioTexter)

Member Database

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a week ago

This section allows you to view and manage the list of members who have texted the studio line.

  • You can message a member or edit their information here.

  • You can search for members by criteria (e.g. First Name).

  • The member database can be downloaded by clicking the "Download Database" button.

Admin Side:

These are the details for each item:

  • "Download Database" Button - Clicking this will download a CSV file containing the list of members.

  • "Search" Field - The field to adjust what type to search for. Below are what you can choose from.

    • Phone - Search members by their phone numbers.

    • Email - Search members by their email addresses.

    • First Name - Search members by their first names.

    • Last Name - Search members by their last names.

    • City - Search members by the cities they currently live in.

    • State - Search members by the states they currently reside in.

    • ZIP - Search members by their ZIP Code.

  • "Keyword" Field - The field that can be used to type in a keyword and search members based on the option selected in the "Search" field.

  • Number - The members' phone numbers.

  • Email - The members' email addresses.

  • First Name - The members' first names.

  • Last Name - The members' last names.

  • City - The cities the members currently live in.

  • State - The states the members currently reside in.

  • Zip - The member's ZIP Codes.

  • "Pencil" Icon - Clicking this opens the "Editing Member" box to edit or add in information about a member.

    • You can also block or temporarily mute the person's phone number through here.

  • "Chat Bubble" Icon - Clicking this opens the message box to view what the member has sent. You can also message them through here.

    • You can attach an image to your message.

Message Box:

Editing Member Box:

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