This tool allows you to view and manage user accounts that can access the StudioTexter portal.
You can create as many user accounts as you want for employees who will help with the studio lines.
This tool is only accessible to "Account Admin" users.
These are the details for each item in the tool:
ID - The ID's for user accounts.
Name - The contact names that are attached to each accounts.
Username - The email address for each account.
Type - The type the user accounts are set to. Listed below are the types.
Admin - An "Account Admin" account that can manage every studio line, as well as have access to the "Account Admin" tools listed below.
Account Overview
Manager Users
Usage Report
User - A regular user account that can be set to at least one studio line on the StudioTexter account, but can't access the "Account Admin" tools.
Last Login - The dates and times the accounts last logged into the StudioTexter portal.
"Add New" Button - Clicking this button opens the "Add New User" pop-up to create a new user account.
"Edit" Button - Clicking this button opens the "Edit User" pop-up to edit a user account's info and login credentials.
"Lines" Button - Clicking this opens the "Select Studio Lines" pop-up to select and choose what studio lines the account can manage.
Note: This button will only be accessible for accounts in the list if the account type is set to "User" for them.
"Delete" Button - Clicking this allows you to delete a user account.
"Add New User" Box:
"Select Studio Lines" Box:
"Edit User" Box:
Note: Setting the "Account Admin" field to "No" will set the account to a regular user account.
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