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Manage Users (StudioTexter)
Manage Users (StudioTexter)

Manage Users

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a week ago

This tool allows you to view and manage user accounts that can access the StudioTexter portal.

  • You can create as many user accounts as you want for employees who will help with the studio lines.

  • This tool is only accessible to "Account Admin" users.

These are the details for each item in the tool:

  • ID - The ID's for user accounts.

  • Name - The contact names that are attached to each accounts.

  • Username - The email address for each account.

  • Type - The type the user accounts are set to. Listed below are the types.

    • Admin - An "Account Admin" account that can manage every studio line, as well as have access to the "Account Admin" tools listed below.

      • Account Overview

      • Manager Users

      • Usage Report

    • User - A regular user account that can be set to at least one studio line on the StudioTexter account, but can't access the "Account Admin" tools.

  • Last Login - The dates and times the accounts last logged into the StudioTexter portal.

  • "Add New" Button - Clicking this button opens the "Add New User" pop-up to create a new user account.

  • "Edit" Button - Clicking this button opens the "Edit User" pop-up to edit a user account's info and login credentials.

  • "Lines" Button - Clicking this opens the "Select Studio Lines" pop-up to select and choose what studio lines the account can manage.

    • Note: This button will only be accessible for accounts in the list if the account type is set to "User" for them.

  • "Delete" Button - Clicking this allows you to delete a user account.

"Add New User" Box:

"Select Studio Lines" Box:

"Edit User" Box:

Note: Setting the "Account Admin" field to "No" will set the account to a regular user account.

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