Our themes require the use of Image URLs to display images, these are loaded from the Image Manager.
In this article:
Why can't I just use the entire image URL?
This is due to the 64-character limit on all Stencil themes. A full URL is at least 80 characters long which will lead to an error.
You can check the number of characters using https://wordcounter.net/character-count or a similar tool.
Do also be mindful of your image name as that can potentially cause the error.
Keep it at 28 characters or shorter. The partial file path follows this format: /product_images/uploaded_images/image_name.jpg
Uploading images to the Image Manager
From your BigCommerce Dashboard, go to Storefront > Image Manager > click Upload Images.
In the popup that appears, click Choose File and select an image from your computer. Repeat for each additional image, then click the Upload button.
A few things to remember:
Image file names must be alphanumeric, and cannot contain any spaces or special characters.
Supported file types are JPEG/JPG, GIF and PNG.
Images cannot have the same name. Images with the same name will fail to upload.
Getting the partial file path
In the Image Manager page, click the image to pull it up on a new tab.
Once you have it up, get the partial file path from the address bar starting from /products_images/ until the image name extension. See screenshot below.
Sample full image URL:
The partial file path is: