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All CollectionsCallout Policy
What is ESHYFT's Callout Policy?
What is ESHYFT's Callout Policy?
Written by Andrea Pink
Updated over 4 months ago

Emergencies happen. A nurse's car breaks down, illness occurs, or something urgent and unforeseeable comes up that forces a nurse to call out of a shift. However, when attendance issues occur over and over, they become a problem.

Therefore, we implemented a policy for callouts that we think is fair and provides flexibility for when emergencies happen.

What is considered a callout on ESHYFT?

A callout is when a nurse applies for a shift, gets confirmed to it by a facility manager, and then calls out of the shift. Or, when a nurse instantly books an InstaSHYFT and then call outs of it.

Types of Callouts: Regular, short notice, & super short notice

  • Regular callouts – 24 hours or more before shift start time

A callout is considered a regular callout if a nurse calls out more than 24 hours before
a shift’s start time.

If a nurse has 10 regular callouts, they will be suspended from the app and will need
to talk to an ESHYFT representative to regain access. If they have legitimate excuses for their callouts, we will grant them access to the app by excusing some of their callouts. If their callouts are not excused and they reach the limit of 10 regular callouts, they may be suspended or terminated.

For regular callouts, they do not need to call ESHYFT to get the callout approved. If their regular callout has a valid excuse, we recommend they reach out to ESHYFT and let us know the reason, so we can excuse the callout. Excused callouts do not count towards their callout rate or suspension.

  • Short notice callouts – between 2 hours and 24 hours before shift start time

A callout is considered short notice if a nurse requests the callout and it gets approved by an ESHYFT admin between 2 hours and 24 hours before shift start time.

If they have 5 short notice callouts, they will be suspended from the app and will need to talk to an ESHYFT representative to regain access. If they have a legitimate excuse for their callout, then we will grant you access to the app by excusing some of their callouts. If their callouts are not excused and they reach the limit of 5 short notice callouts, they may be suspended or terminated.

  • Super short notice callouts – less than 2 hours before shift start time

Super short notice callouts occur less than 2 hours before shift start time. If a nurse has 2 short notice callouts, they will be suspended from the app and will need to talk to an ESHYFT representative to regain access. If they have a legitimate excuse for their callout then we will grant them access to the app by excusing some of their callouts. If their callouts are not excused and they reach the limit of 2 super short notice callouts, they may be suspended or terminated.

Callout rate

We track every nurse’s callout rate. Nurse callout rate is based on how many past confirmed shifts a nurse has called out of in the last 365 days which do not have a valid excuse, ie. are unexcused. If a nurse has been confirmed for 100 shifts and they have 5 unexcused callouts, then their callout rate would be 5%.

If a nurse's rate is higher than 15%, they will be allowed to apply to only 3 shifts at a time. If they want to apply to another shift, they will need to first withdraw from an applied shift. Once their callout rate is below 15%, they will once again be able to apply to more shifts.

If you have questions on the callout policy, please contact your Client Success representative or email

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