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The Hive: Accessing Student Work

How does the teacher view student work and leave feedback? This is done in The Hive, the social and interactive heart of essaypop.

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Written by essaypop
Updated over 3 years ago

The teacher accesses The Hive by clicking the "Beehive" icon which will show their various classes. Click on any tile to view a particular class.


Click on a student's avatar to view his or her work As students write, they are easily grouped together and supported in the Hive by the teacher. Here students and teachers interact and communicate in real-time, and the teacher is able to organize students into strategically-organized groups. Additional teachers, tutors, and other guests can easily be invited into this environment, creating opportunities for mentorship and coaching.

Once clicked, it will look like this. As individual student work shows up, teachers and peers provide immediate feedback. Pressure is taken off of the teacher as feedback becomes crowdsourced, and students benefit from receiving organic feedback from multiple sources.

The interactions in the Hive can happen any time and anywhere. By leveraging the social, interactive, and collaborative nature of writing, essaypop is cleverly tapping into the very human nature of the practice itself.

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