essaypop's provides various rubrics, but in this article you will learn how to create your own.
Access the Rubrics page by clicking on your avatar (at the top right), then clicking on Settings and Rubrics.
Start by clicking on the Add Rubric button. Once a new rubric appears click on it.
You'll want to name your rubric and select the number of points it will be out of. You may decide to also include a zero in this rubric.
Next, click on the Add Criteria button.
Label your Criteria in the box provided, and select the Assessment Area from the pull-down.
βNote, the Assessment Area pull-down allows the system to track various criteria no matter the terminology you use for your school.Once you have interested your Criteria you may proceed to adding a descriptor text and Performance Level/Title in the boxes provided.
You may now use this Rubric in an assignment. Review this guide: