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As a Student, How Do I Use The Hive?

The Hive is where your teacher sees your writing and where you see the writing of others.

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Written by essaypop
Updated over 4 years ago

We recommend that you bookmark this article. Also, this video gives a good overview of the Hive environment.

Writing is more fun when it's a team sport

We get it. Writing can be a very lonely endeavor. This is why we created the Hive, a place where you can interact, collaborate and, give, and receive feedback about the writing that you are working on. Most things are more fun when you are able to work with others. The Hive gives you this opportunity. We like to call it the social and interactive heart of the system.

To get to the Hive from your writing area, just click the beehive icon.

It's time to see what kinds of messages you've received from your teacher and peers. It'd also where you're going to see your grades and assessments.

Clicking the icon will take you to this view

Click your own tile, your teacher's tile, or a group tile to go see everybody's work and to see comments and feedback others have left for you.

Here's what you'll see when you click your own tile. You're going to see peer and teacher feedback and you will see the scores and final comments the teacher has left for you as well. You can also ask for help from this view.

And here's what happens when you click on the class or group tile. You're going to see everybody in your class, including yourself (you'll have an orange square around your avatar). Sometimes you might be grouped by your teacher which means you'll only be able to communicate with the people in your cluster. This is where your teacher will leave you feedback too and you'll be able to see your final score.

Summing Up

That's basically it. You're well on your way to creating amazing and properly-structured essays, quickwrites, and stories. Your teacher will guide you through the process and soon you'll be using essaypop like an expert.

For additional guidance, this video takes you through the system as well.

To learn about the different parts of an essay, the essaypop Style Guide is excellent. Bookmark it; you'll be using it a lot.

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