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Action Plans 101 - Setup
Written by Daniel Mohammed
Updated over a week ago

Action Plans

You can add action plans to a risk or mitigation for related tasks, updates and more.

You should add action plans any time that further steps are being taken (or should be

taken) to lower or otherwise manage the risk.

Action items send alerts to stakeholders asking for a status update and optionally

include a note. Action can be added from the risk details screen, mitigation details

screen or directly from the Actions Tab in the menu.

You can assign action items to other Users and Contributors in the system. You can also set up and enable automated email reminders under the “Request Updates” section.

Setting up Action Plans

Action Plans can be linked to Risks & Mitigations in Essential ERM.

You can create a new action plan by going to a Risk or Mitigation or directly though the Action Plan Explorer.

Add Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Action Plans can be configured to automatically prompt action owners via email for a status update. In addition to linking them to risks and mitigations, Action Plans can also have indicators attached to them through the Attached Indicators section. In addition, users can record notes in Actions, link documentation via URL in the Linked Resources section.

Action Plan Explorer

In the Action Plan Explorer, you can view all action plans in a calendar view or a grid view.

You can switch between the two views using 2 icons under your organization's logo.

Actions - Calendar View

Actions - Grid View

In the Grid View, you can also export the action items you see on the screen in a CSV format by clicking on the "..." icon beside Add Action.

Export Actions
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