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Risk Voting
Written by Daniel Mohammed
Updated over a week ago

Risk Voting

The Risk Voting feature allows multiple individuals to share their feedback on how the scores and attributes of a risk should be assessed. Voters can share their feedback through intuitive voting screens that can be accessed with their phones, tablets, or computers. No advanced training for voters or dedicated voting devices are required.

Voters do not need login credentials for Essential ERM. This allows Admin Users to solicit voting input from a wide variety of individuals, including business users and executives who participate infrequently in the ERM process and do not require a system login.

Voting through Essential ERM can be completed in a live workshop setting, with multiple voters responding at once, or in a longer term distributed vote, in which voters vote at their convenience over a set period of time (up to 1 month maximum).

Vote results are automatically tabulated by the system and displayed in the Vote Details screen. Importantly, the Voting module in Essential ERM is fully integrated into the system, enabling fast and easy vote configuration and the automatic linkage of vote results with each associated Risk. Note that Vote results will not automatically change Risk scores, but results will be saved and linked to Risks, so that they can provide helpful input in the final risk assessment process.

✔️ Creating and Launching New Votes

The primary method to create a new Risk Vote is to click on the blue “Create Risk Vote” button in the top right corner of the Enterprise Risk Console. This button will only appear visible to Admin Users.

Once the button is clicked, a vote configuration panel (pictured right) will slide out from the right side of the screen and check boxes will appear on risks in the Rank column. Admins follow these steps to configure a vote:

✔️ Responding to Votes Via Email

All Voters included in a vote will automatically receive an email invitation once the vote has been activated. The email will include a link that the voter can click on to access the vote.

✔️ Responding to Votes Via PIN

In addition to the voting emails described above, each vote may be accessed by navigating to the URL through a mobile or computer browser. They will be prompted to enter their email address and a 4 digit PIN to access the vote. Each vote has its own unique PIN, which Admin Users can access via the Vote Details screen. For example, many vote administrators prefer to have their voters access the vote through the PIN method during voting workshops, rather than having many respondents waiting for emails to arrive once the vote is activated.

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