In Ardex discounts are applied from the horse ownership level.
You can set up a default discount for an owner so that any time the person is added as an owner to a horse, the default discount will pull through.
However you have the ability to set different discounts for different horses for the same owner.
To give owners a discount on their bills:
Go to the Horses tab
Click on the required Horse
Go to the Owners tab
Click edit share next to the owner you wish to discount
Enter the discount % in the discount box
Click Update Share
If you are adding a new owner to a horse and wish for them to have a discount, you can add the discount % in the discount box and click Add New Share.
If the owner has a default discount set up, the discount % will already be set and you can click Add New Share.
Within the Month End process you will be asked whether you wish to give a discount to selected owners within Step 5. Untick those whom you don't wish to charge interest on overdue balances and then click Process