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Pre Month End Checks

Things to check before running month end billing in Ardex Essentials

Adam Steiber avatar
Written by Adam Steiber
Updated over a week ago

Before beginning the month end process it is important to complete the following checks to ensure the accuracy of the information that Ardex will rely on to produce owner statements.

  • Horse Ownership 

    • Check that all changes in share ownership for horses on your property have been accurately recorded.

  • Horse Procedures

    • All horse procedures for the month should be recorded, including location changes (such as arrivals and departures). Unapproved horse procedures should be reviewed and approved.

  • External Charges

    • All horse related charges from external businesses (such as farriers and vets) should be entered to Ardex. You may contact relevant suppliers to ensure all invoices have been received and entered or imported to Ardex.

  • Owner Adjustments

    • Ensure all owner credits and adjustments have been recorded where appropriate, for example refunds and owner balance reallocations.

  • Horse Sales

    • Check that all horse sales have been entered including sale related charges and sale proceeds for distribution.

  • Banking Receipts

    • Ensure all banking receipts have been processed so that accounts receivable balances are not overstated on owner statements. Completing month end bank reconciliations is the best way to check this.

Completing these checks before beginning the month end process will result in higher quality and more reliable owner statements being issued to clients.

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