The Daily Movements view displays all movements that have been scheduled to leave on a specific date.
For a movement to appear on this view the following criteria must be met;
pickup date is the date selected in the view
the movement is allocated to a run and
the run has a status of Scheduled.
If a movement is missing, check the pickup date, “Jobs - unscheduled” and “Runs - Tentative” views.
Run - run name - editable
Driver(s) – driver name - Multiple drivers can be assigned to one run
Truck – truck name
Order – order the horses are to be picked up in - editable
Comment - add additional information to the movement. Will also appear in the Movement view comment field - editable
Pickup – time the horse has to be picked up - editable
From – where the horse is being picked up from
Required By – date/time the horse has to be delivered - editable
Deliver to – where the horse is being delivered to
Description – movement description
Charge To - who the movement has been charged to (client or horse)
Horse – Name of horse being moved
Job num – job number