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Sales view

Displays movements that have sale details entered under Horse Details

Written by Leanne Munt
Updated over a week ago

The sales view displays all movements for horses that have details completed in the "Purchased At" section of the Horse Details

Movements can be edited on this view by selecting Full Edit or Edit from the view menu.

  • Horse - horse being moved

  • Sire

  • Dam

  • Lot - lot at sale

  • Sale - Sale name

  • Sex - Horse sex

  • Sale Day - date of sale - editable

  • Stable - location of horse at sale

  • Vendor - who is selling the horse

  • From – From Location in movement - editable

  • To – To Location in movement - editable

  • Pickup – From time in movement - editable

  • Drop Off – To time in movement - editable

  • Run – run name - editable

  • Truck - truck assigned to the run - editable

  • Driver(s) - driver(s) assigned to the run - editable

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