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How to link procedures
Written by Leanne Munt
Updated over a week ago

Settings/Procedure Links allows a user to link procedures. A user must have the permission Linked Procedures - Edit added under Accounts/Users to create, update and delete links.

Select Add Procedure Link

  • Procedure - select the first procedure to be done.

  • Linked Procedure - Procedure to occur after the first procedure is completed.

  • Horse type - can choose any type of horse or a specific type e.g. Broodmare.

  • Occurs - After or On

    • After - choose Interval and Interval Type e.g. 2 weeks

    • On - choose the day and month

  • Comment - free form test

Select Add linked procedure to save.

  • The same procedure can have multiple procedures linked. e.g Arrival procedure may need multiple procedures performed over several days.

  • System procedures cannot be linked to a system procedure.

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