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Invite a user to access Essentials

Send an email invite so a user can access your Essentials domain

Written by Leanne Munt
Updated over a week ago

An administrator of the site can give other users access to their domain.

  • Go to the small gear on the top right-hand side of the main menu and select Account.

  • Select Users from left hand menu.

  • On the top right hand side of the table select Invite user

  • Enter user's first name, last name, email address and the role they will have on the site. The user can be selected as an Admin or another role relevant to their position.

  • Check the user's details are correct especially the email address then select Invite user.

  • An email will be sent to the new user. They will follow the link sent to their email, set up a password then they should have access to the domain they were invited to.

  • If they do not receive the email with the link, ask the user to check their junk mail for the invite.

  • If it is not in their junk mail, double check the invite was sent to the correct email address.

  • If the email is not received after checking junk mail and the correct email address has been entered, please contact Ardex Support.

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