A work item is another type of a procedure. They can be grouped together in a Work profile under a Work section to make it quicker to add multiple work items to horses.
A work item describes work for a horse e.g. work for trackwork, work to be performed after trackwork such as treadmill, swim. Work items have a $0.00 value. If a charge is required for the work, a procedure should be used.
A work item is added via the Settings menu under Work Items
A table will be displayed. User can
Add - add a new work section
Edit - edit an existing work section
Delete - delete a work section.
To add a work item Select +Add from the table menu
A modal will be displayed.
Select work profile work item belongs to
Select work section work item belongs to
Enter the name of the work item
If work item is a Farrier procedure and is needs the date recorded against last farrier procedure for views and reports, select the check box Include as 'last farrier' on reports.
To create multiple work items without closing the modal, select the Create Another check box then select Submit save the existing work item. Continue to add work items and select Submit save each new one. The modal will remain open until the check box for Create another is unselected. Select Submit then the modal will close.
Filtering is available on the table. Can be filtered by Work Profile, Work section or work item. To filter select the small upside-down triangle in the column then select the option you are filtering by.
To edit a Work item, click on the work item in the table then select Edit. The modal will pop up so changes can be made. Select Submit to save changes.
To delete a work item, click on the item and select Delete. You will be asked if you are sure you wish to delete this work item. Select Confirm to delete.