The Trackwork button will appear on the Home page if permissions Trackwork view and/or Trackwork - Edit plus Mobile Trackwork - View and Mobile Trackwork - Edit have been added to a user under Accounts on the web app.
Home Page
When selected the following options are available
Other Work Allocation - add work items set up in work profiles to horses
Work Management - displays various views
Horses Work - Summary of a day's work for a horse
Trackwork - Displays trackwork allocated to horses for a day
Exercises - Displays exercises (treadmill, water walker etc). allocated to horses for a day
Other work - display work added to horses for work profiles. Excludes Trackwork and exercises
Treatments - displays all procedures added to horses with a category of treatment.
Weights - quickly add horse weights via the mobile app. Weights entered will be stored as a Weight procedure against a horse. Includes
To Do - Horses not weighed for the day
Done - Horses weighed for the day
Summary - Shows last weight and previous weight with the variance
Spellers - shows horses that are spelling, when they started, number of days spelling, end date and how long before spelling ends. Can be updated via mobile app or web app.
Temperature and Waste Feed - Allows a user to enter horses temperature and waste feed.
To Do - Horses that have not had a temperature, or a waste feed measurement added for the day
Done - Horses that have had a temperature and/or a waste feed measurement added for the day
Summary - Shows the day's temperature and waste feed plus notes. Tap on the horse to see a graph of last 7 days temperature and waste feed measurements