Horses that are spelling can be viewed via the Horses - Spelling view and via the Spellers option under Trackwork on the mobile app.
For the horse to appear on this view it must have a Horse Type of Speller. A user must have the permission Horse - Edit allocated to make changes to the horse type.
This can be changed via the Horse Details screen
or on the mobile app by selecting the pencil next to the horse type
The fields available on the view are
Property - added when location status added.
Start Date - last location status date added to the horse
End date - entered via the view and can be changed if required
Days Spelling - number of days since the last location status was changed
Days left - number of days before the spelling end date
Date Last Farrier - last farrier procedure added to the horse - the procedure must be marked Is farrier procedure to show on the view.
Procedure - Farrier procedure performed
Horse notes - last Spelling horse note added