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Active, Enrolled, and Dismissed Participants in ETO Reports


Updated over 4 years ago

Defining Enrolled, Dismissed, and Active in ETO Software
ETO software defines a Participant as enrolled, dismissed, or active in a date range based upon the Participant’s program history (the Participant’s program start date and program end date in a given program). ETO software defines program activity by program history only.

What does “enrolled” mean?
When users see the term "enrolled" or "enrolled in a date range" in ETO, it means the Participant has a program start date in the given date range. If you want to see Participants enrolled in a date range, you are asking the software for Participants with a program start date between your given dates.

In this example, the date range of 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011 is defined by the vertical lines and the individual Participant program history records are the horizontal lines. Three Participants were enrolled in the date range: 2/18/2011, 6/18/2011, and 4/22/2011. They are highlighted in red. 

To query on enrollment in ETO Results, use either the “Enrolled Filter” in the Program Enrollment Folder or use the Program Start Date dimension from the Program Enrollment Folder.

What does “dismissed” mean?
When users see the term ‘dismissed’ or ‘dismissed in a date range’ in ETO, it means the Participant has a program end date in the given date range. If you want to see Participants dismissed in a date range, you are asking the software for Participants with a program end date between your given dates. In the example above, the date range of 1/1/2011--12/31/2011 is defined by the vertical lines and the individual Participant program history records are the horizontal lines. Two Participants were dismissed in the date range: 5/12/2011 and 12/21/2011. They are highlighted in red in the image below.

To query on dismissals in ETO Results, use either the “Dismissed Filter” in the Program Enrollment Folder or use the Program End Date dimension from the Program Enrollment Folder.

What does “active” mean?
When users see the term "active" or "active in a date range" in ETO, it means the Participant has program history in the program for at least one day in the given date range (or just even one minute of one day during the date range). If you want to see participants active in a date range, you are asking the software for Participants who have a program start date previous to the end of your date range, and a program end date after the start of your date range (that’s a bit of a tongue twister, stay with it!). Participants without a program end date are also considered active. In this example, the date range of 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011 is defined by the vertical lines and the individual Participant program history records are the horizontal lines. Six Participants were active in the date range: 11/21/2010—5/12/2011, 11/21/2010—3/29/2012, 11/21/2010—3/29/2012, 2/18/2011—12/21/2011, 6/18/2011—4/2/2012, 12/9/2010—no end date, and 4/22/2011—no end date. They are highlighted in red in the image below.

Some programs may enroll and dismiss the same Participant multiple times, making it more difficult to determine when a Participant falls into the categories of Enrolled, Active, and Dismissed, because the answer can vary depending on the report. An example would be a program that is run using a school year calendar. Most Participants would be added to the program around, say, 9/1/2010 and removed from the program around, say, 6/15/2011. At the beginning of the next school year, the Participants, again, would be added around 9/1/2011 and removed from the program around 6/15/2012. In this example all of the Participants are active during two time periods: 9/1/10-6/15/11 and 9/1/11-6/15/12. The Participants are all dismissed during 6/15/11-9/1/11 and after 6/15/12. The enrolled dates are both 9/1/10 and 9/1/11. The enrollment date always corresponds with the Program Start Date, even if the Participant has multiple for one program. With this in mind, Participants with multiple enrollments in one program will appear multiple times if a report is run that spans both periods.

To query on active Participants in a date range in ETO Results, there are also two options. The first option is to use the “Active Filter” in the Program Enrollment folder. The second option is to use a combination of Program Start Date and Program End Date. Filter Program Start Date for Less Than or Equal To the end of your date range AND Filter Program End Date for Greater Than or Equal To the start of your date range OR program end date Is Null. By using the OR clause on the program end dates, you ensure that Participants that are still active will be included, even if they do not have a program end date.

The standard report called Program Enrollment Report is also a great visual to see active, enrolled, or dismissed Participants in a date range in ETO.

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