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ETO Results: Scheduling Reports


Updated over 2 years ago

Reports can be scheduled from ANY folder in Results. When scheduling a report within the "Scheduled Reports" folder, whatever format you select the report to be sent as will determine how the report opens any time it is accessed from within the "Scheduled Reports" folder (ex. if the report is scheduled to be sent as a csv file, opening the report from inside the "Scheduled Reports" folder will download the report as a csv file as opposed to opening the report to view in Results).

Saving a report to the "Scheduled Reports" folder limits end users to only viewing the scheduled instance of the report. Scheduling a report from any other folder allows users to open the report as they typically would with the ability to run, refresh and view the report in Results.

 To Schedule:

Step 1 – Find the report, right click, and hit 'Schedule'

Step 2 – When the report is set to schedule, the User will be prompted to provide an Instance Title. This is the name of the scheduled report. 

  • This will be the text the User sees on the View Reports page. By default the name of the report is provided.

Step 3 – After the Instance Title is provided, the User will set the Recurrence. This is where the User will select how frequently the report is to run. 

  • The only non-supported option is "Calendar." If the User selects this option, a message will return that says "There are no calendars."

  • If the User selects "Now" for the "Recurrence", this will indicate that the report is to run with the current data set. However, the report can be scheduled to run at any time with this data set. If the report contains Prompts, then they must be supplied when scheduling the report.

  • Note: Prompts will automatically populate with the last-run or saved data for the report. To change the Prompt, select the “Modify” option.

Formats and Destinations 


This is where the User will select how the report is delivered to other Users. The first option is the Output Format. Note the Supported Models below, as there are some formats that are not supported. Note: Plain Test and CSV formats will be the smallest in file size. Also, if an Excel format is selected, and the scheduler wishes to view or change the report, they will have to open it by right clicking on the report name and selecting Modify.


We only currently support Email and BI Inbox destinations.


This option will create a link on the View Reports page of an instance of the report. The instance can be selected to be in either Excel or Web Intelligence format. The instance can also be viewed in the Reporting Dashboard as a link.

Please note that this option does not send an email to a User's email inbox; the inbox is a feature inside the Reporting Dashboard.

This option allows the report writer to make the report available to a subset of Users. Selecting this option and making no further specifications delivers the report to the Inbox of the User doing the scheduling. To distribute the report to more Users, click "Destination Options and Settings." Deselect the pre-checked option for "Use Job Server's Defaults." Select Users and/or groups. Keep in mind that all the Users that are selected will receive the instance of the report matching the security of the User scheduling the report. For instance, if an Enterprise Manager schedules the report for a Staff level User, the staff person will see data across the Enterprise. Selecting individual Users may be difficult; the User names listed match the Live Office login information found under My Account. Building a report using the Standard Reference Universe will return individual User's Live Office Account Info.

Email Recipients:

Delivers specified format of report instance to specified Users. The best output format is either Excel or PDF. If the User selects "Web Intelligence", the report will only open in the Web Intelligence Rich Client application. Like the Inbox option the User must select "Destination Options and Settings" and deselect the "Use Job Server's Defaults" option.  Also, "Add attachment" must be selected for the report to be sent to the User. If it is not selected, the email will contain a message that indicates that the report is complete, but the report will not be sent with the email.  

  • Note: the From field should be filled in as ""

  • Note: There is a 10MB size limit on emailed scheduled reports.

Best Practices for Scheduling Reports 

  • Do not schedule more than 3 reports for the same hour (per user).

  • Space report run and end times out so that none overlap.

  • Make the start and end times exactly 10 minutes apart.

  • Do not run reports while servers restart between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. (Eastern Time).

  • To change recipients for a scheduled report, you must stop the original instance and create a new one with the correct and new recipients.

  • Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.

  • Only the scheduler of the report will be able to see the schedule history they have created for the report.

Common Errors

Schedule report error: write error. [Error sending mail message to SMTP server. Return code: [552].]: [CrystalEnterprise.Smtp]

Your report is probably hitting the maximum size limits. Be sure the exported file would not exceed 10 MB.

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