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Manage User Accounts


Updated over 8 months ago

The Manage User Accounts feature allows organizations to update the accounts that their Users use to log into ETO software from across the entire Enterprise while logged into a single Site. If an administrator has access to multiple Sites and has access to Manage User Accounts via the Navigation Bar, the administrator will see accounts from those Sites and be able to edit them. From this page, the following can be edited: information, Site/Program access, Caseload Access, and Reporting Role for all Sites.

Because the feature grants access to managing Users across multiple Sites and because Users can have different User levels per Site, the logic that determines which accounts Users get access to edit is as follows:

If User A’s lowest role across the Enterprise is greater than or equal to User B’s highest role across the Enterprise, then User A can manage User B’s account.

When determining what User role should be assigned, consider the hierarchy of User roles, which goes as follows, from highest to lowest (higher roles can do the same functions as all those that follow):

  • Enterprise Manager: Manages Sites across the web address/URL

  • Site Manager (aka Site Administrator): Can make changes to the Site with wizards and manage features

  • Department Head: Can run queries about data in the currently selected Program

  • Program Manager: Can supervise staff work through ETO using multiple management features below Program Administration on the Navigation Bar

  • Staff: Enters data on demographics, enrolls/dismisses Participants from Programs, and records TouchPoints

  • Funder/Reports Only: Runs de-identified reports only, no data entry

  • Intake: Views demographics and enters Reliable Contacts only

  • Survey Taker: Can take a survey and/or self assessment

  • Entity Self Service: Entity self assessment and update own attributes

User roles are different than reporting roles and must be set separately.


  1. Add New User – Takes you to the Add User page to create a new User account.

  2. Show Disabled – Check this box to show disabled Users in the list.

  3. Show All Sites – The names in the list are only the names of the Users who have access to the Site you are currently logged into. By checking this box, all Users across the Enterprise will show in the list.

  4. Filter/Sort – You can sort through User accounts by name, User name, role in current Site, and date last updated.

  5. Edit – Takes you to the Edit User page to edit an existing User.

  6. Enable – If a User account is disabled and you have checked Show Disabled, you have the option to re-enable the account.

  7. Disable – If a User account is enabled, you can disable it by clicking the link.

Adding a new User and editing an existing User take you to the same page. Editing a User gives you a few options that are only available after the User has been created in the system. Therefore, we will explore this feature by editing a User but be aware that the steps for adding a new User are identical except for the noted features.

Step 2 

  1. Cancel – Exits back to the Manage User Accounts page and does not save any information.

  2. Save – Saves all information and stays on the Edit User page.

  3. Save and Close – Saves all information and exits back to the Manage User Accounts page.

  • Prefix – Select from the drop-down menu

  • First Name – Required

  • Middle Initial

  • Last Name – Required

  • Suffix – Select from the drop-down menu

  • Email – Required

  • On the Add User screen, this field will say Username/Email. The username will be generated based off of the email.

  • Username – Cannot be edited

  • Role (Add New User only) – Allows the role for the User to be set. When editing a user, this must be done from the Site/Program Access tab.

  • Reporting Role – Determines if the User will see data across all Sites by running checks for access to Sites and/or Programs before displaying the data. It only applies to ETO Results (does not apply to Query Wizard, Standard Crystal reports, nor restricts data from Universes created in Query Wizard).

  • Password

    • Reset the Password - Send the User an email with a link to reset their password

    • Change the Password - Manually change a User's password

  • Portal Access - Used by Support when granting access to the ETO Support Portal. If you'd like to request access to the Support Portal, please contact ETO Support. To learn more about the Support Portal, click here.

  • You may also see the following checkboxes on the Manage User Accounts page:

    • Bypass MFA: If your organization has Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled, Administrators can check this box to indicate that a user should not receive MFA instructions. To learn more about MFA, click here.

    • Connect Access: This box should remain unchecked on all user accounts as it is a Legacy setting.

  • Work Phone Number

  • Cell Phone Number (Required for MFA)

  • Pager Number

  • Social Security Number (SSN)

Note: The following steps are only available for editing an existing User. There will be three tabs at the bottom of the page:

  1. Site/Program Access

  2. Caseload Access

  3. Summary of All Access.

Step 3 – On the Site/Program Access tab, if you would like to disable the account on a selected Site, first select the Site from the drop-down menu and then check the box next to Disable Account in Selected Site.

Step 4 – Click the Save button to save this as a disabled Site for this account.

  • Selecting a different Site from the drop-down menu or un-checking the box will refresh back to the previous page and all changes will be lost.

Step 5 – To give an account access to a Site/Program, first select the Site from the drop-down menu.

Step 6 – Select the role you would like to give the User for the Programs on that Site.

Step 7 – You can select the User type from the drop-down menu (optional).

Step 8 – Check the box(es) associated with the Program(s) you would like to give the User access to.

Step 9 – Select a Default Program from the drop-down menu.

  • This list will only populate once the User has been given access to at least one Program. If no Programs have been selected, nothing will show in this drop-down menu.

Step 10 – If desired, repeat Steps 5–10 for to give access to additional Sites/Programs.

Step 11 – Click "Save".

Step 12 – Click on the "Caseload Access" tab.

Step 13 – Select a Site from the drop-down menu.

  • This list will populate based off of the Site(s) that they were given access to on the "Site/Program Access" tab.

Step 14 – The grid below will repopulate with the Programs that the User was given access to on the Site/Program Access tab. Check the boxes where you would like the User to be able to add/remove Participants from their own and/or others' Caseload.

Step 15 – You can check the box to restrict access to Participants based on Caseload.

Step 16 – On the grid below this option, check the boxes where you wish to Grant Access. Boxes that are not checked will be restricted as below:

  • This feature will restrict the User's ability to see Participants that are not on their Caseload. They will not be able to search for dismissed Participants (even those who were previously on the User's Caseload) or use features like Find Participant and Enroll Participant. When access is granted (by checking the box associated with the Program), it is only applied to Participants in that Program; the setting is ignored in any Program where this option is still selected.

Step 17 – Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

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