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Dashboard Part | Recent TouchPoints


Updated over 5 months ago

The Recent TouchPoints Dashboard part displays recently completed or updated TouchPoints. The part will contain information such as the TouchPoint name, Program name, subject name, subject type, date completed, date last updated, audit creation date, who it was recorded by, and who the response is attributed to (all of this information is editable, see below).

There are four icons in the "Take Action" column, which will only be available if the proper permissions are set:

  • Eye – View a printable read-only version of the TouchPoint response.

  • Pencil – Edit the TouchPoint response.

  • Plus sign – Allows you to record a new response for the given TouchPoint and subject.

  • Trash can – Delete the response.

The subject name in the Name column is a link that will take you to the subject's Dashboard. The "+New" link at the bottom takes you to the Record TouchPoints page.

The part can also be limited to display only Participant or Entity TouchPoints, or limited further to display only one specified TouchPoint.


  • It is recommended that you have a maximum of five recent TouchPoint parts on a Dashboard.

  • We recommend grouping TouchPoints into categories via tags in the TouchPoint settings. The Recent TouchPoint part can be filtered to show all TouchPoints that share the same tag.

  • Limit filtering Recent TouchPoints parts to a specific TouchPoint as the more custom data that is returned, the greater impact on load time.

  • For TouchPoints that are associated with a sub-TouchPoint, the primary TouchPoint should have its own filtered Recent TouchPoints part.

  • On dashboards that support multiple Participants (such as Collections or Families), the "Capture one response for multiple subjects" setting must be enabled on the individual TouchPoint element for the response data to be included in the selectable columns as seen below in Step 6.


Step 1 – To edit the Recent TouchPoints part, click "Edit Dashboard" at the top of the page.

Step 2 – You can restore, minimize, disable, delete, or edit the part by clicking on the associated icon.

Step 3 – When editing the part, you can select to filter by subject type by Anonymous, Entity, Family, General, or Participant. Selecting no filter allows all subject types to display in the part.

Step 4 – You can also filter by a specific TouchPoint by selecting the TouchPoint that you only want to see from the drop-down menu.

Step 5 – Finally, you can filter by TouchPoint Tag by typing in the tag and clicking the "Filter by TouchPoint Tag" button.

Step 6 – You can select what information is displayed on the Dashboard part by checking the box(es) next to the field you want to show.

  • If you run into performance issues, uncheck the Auto Refresh option, which will be replaced with a Refresh button. This will keep the Dashboard from reloading each time a change is made.

Step 7 – When editing the part, you can re-title the part and set the layout. You can also set the maximum number of records that display on the Dashboard. Click Apply to confirm any changes.

  • Chrome State: Normal will start the part immediately upon landing on the Dashboard. Minimized may work best for Dashboards that take a long time to load, but will require the user to expand the part if they wish to view the report.

  • Zone and zone index: Zone index is the ranking of the part in that zone, where zero is the closest to the top of the page.

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