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Collections | Main Page

#Collections #MainPage

Updated over 8 months ago

Collections are saved groupings of Participants or Entities that can be used to track data about the group. You can record data for all the members of the Collection at one time via TouchPoints.
An Administrator must first create a Collection Type before a Collection roster. 

Once the Collection has been created, Users can edit, disable, or delete the Collection and manage the Subjects within the Collection.

Collections are best used for reoccurring events with the same roster of Participants. Groups that meet less frequently or change often should be recorded with Multiple Participant TouchPoints

For more information…

On technical issues with Collections:
On available Collections training labs: Contact the Training team here.

Setting Up Collection Types:

The Collection Type distinguishes an overall classification for Collection Rosters that will be apart of the same Collection Type. TouchPoint Securities and Collection Roster Securities are controlled at the Collection Type level. Within Collection Types, there are Collection Rosters that establish recurring group members under one Collection name.

Setting Up Collection Rosters

Collection rosters are the actual lists and groupings of Participants.

Record Collection TouchPoints

Once the Collection is in place, the group may begin taking TouchPoints. The Collection will take similar TouchPoints throughout their time together in the group.

ETO Check-In with Collections

ETO Check-In is a feature that allows attendance TouchPoints to be taken for multiple Participants or Collections with QR codes or Barcodes with phones or appropriate scanners.

Reporting on Collections

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