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Release Notes | ETO Schedule

Available 6/30/2021

Updated over 8 months ago

Introducing ETO Schedule! ETO Schedule is redefining how appointments are created and conducted in your day-to-day operations. With this brand-new integration, you’ll be able to eliminate the pain of double-data entry and schedule appointments directly through ETO.

NOTE: ETO Schedule does not work with Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Functionality & Features

The new ETO Schedule will replace the Legacy Scheduling functionality in ETO by allowing you to sync your external calendar accounts, schedule appointments, view upcoming appointments for participants, and link your video conferencing account right from within ETO!

As a note, this functionality will only be available to Enterprise Managers at its initial release. ETO Schedule will only show in the side navigation bar of Enterprise Manager users. This is to allow an administrator time to test out the functionality without applying it to all users. Enterprise Managers can easily release the functionality to lower rules by modifying the navigation rules in Manage Site Navigation (more on how to below).

Note: This release is only available to enterprises using TouchPoints. Legacy ETO clients should contact the Account Management team here if they would like to add ETO Schedule.

How to Configure ETO Schedule:

Organizations can configure ETO Schedule to meet their needs.

Under Site Administration, there will be a new link called Manage Schedule.

From Manage Schedule, you can configure two different settings for ETO Schedule.

Secondary Identifier:

  • You can select a secondary identifier for participants from a set list of demographics.

  • Users will be able to use this secondary identifier to search for a participant, as opposed to only using a participant’s name.

Site/Program Settings:

You can choose whether ETO Schedule applies only within a program or across a site. Choosing this setting will determine what user calendars you are able to see and which participants you are able to select when adding an appointment.

If you select only within a program, you will only be able to see the calendars of other users that are also in that program and you will only be able to select participants that are in that program when making an appointment.

If you select across the site, then you will be able to see the calendars of users in any program in the site and you will be able to select participants in any program in the site when making an appointment.

There is currently no ability to share ETO Schedule across multiple sites.

How to Access ETO Schedule:

To access ETO Schedule, go to the navigation bar and click My Calendars.

If you have never accessed ETO Schedule before, you’ll need to first sync your existing calendar account with ETO.

How to Sync a Calendar Account:

You will need to sync your existing calendar account to begin using ETO Schedule.

By clicking the popup to sync your calendar account, you will be taken to another page to determine what provider and account you would like to sync with ETO.

You will need to agree to the Cronofy Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Cronofy is the third-party provider that we have partnered with in order to implement this calendar functionality in ETO.

You will click to link your account and it will take you through a verification process in order to sync your account. Once you have completed the verification process then you should be redirected to ETO and you are ready to use ETO Schedule!

You can also sync your account from the Add Calendar page in the upper righthand corner (accessible through the ellipses button). You can sync multiple accounts per user!

How to link video conferencing account

Not only can you sync your calendar account, as well as additional calendar accounts, from the Add Calendar page, but you can also link your video conferencing account. After linking your account and following a verification workflow that is similar to syncing a calendar account, your video conferencing account information will auto-populate the Location field when you are adding an appointment.

Simply click on the link in order to begin the workflow! Once the verification workflow is complete, you will be automatically returned to ETO.

How to manage your availability

You can also set additional availability in ETO, making certain times and days unavailable.

This is particularly helpful if you are out of office or in the field on certain days every week.

Simply click on different times to show yourself as unavailable and click save.

This should be viewed as additional layer of availability configurability, in addition to what you already have set in your external calendar account.

How to view existing appointments

Once you have synced your calendar you are able to view your calendar in a multitude of ways – by month, week, or day.

At any point, you can click on an appointment and expand it to see a high-level overview of the appointment – date, time, names of attendees, location, and description.

Note: You are able to edit/delete appointments from the high-level overview popup if the appointment was created in ETO Schedule. Any appointments brought over from a synced calendar will not have the ability to edit/delete from ETO.

If you have a particularly busy day, you can always click on “ … X more” for that day to see the rest of your appointments.

How to view others’ calendars

With the new functionality, you can see your coworkers’ calendars, if they have synced their calendar with ETO.

Simply click “Calendars” in the upper righthand corner and select which calendars you would like to also view. The different calendars will show as different colors on the main screen.

Note: The colors of the staff calendars are not static; they change. In other words, Staff A might be purple one day, but green the next.

Note: At this time, your individual calendar will be the only calendar that remains checked by default. Other staff calendars do not remain checked (and therefore shown) if you navigate away from the page.

How to add an appointment

In order to add an appointment, click on “Add Appointment” in the upper righthand corner.

Search for your participant. You will need to type at least 3 characters for the list to begin populating.

The dropdown will populate with a list of participants that was indicated on the Manage Schedule Page. The dropdown will show the Participant Name and the email address for the participant.

  • You can search for the participant by name or secondary identifier (which was identified on the Manage Schedule page).

  • The dropdown uses existing business and security logic as well. For instance, if an end user has security set up to only see participants in their caseload, that will also be respected in this dropdown.

Note: A participant’s name will be grayed out and will read “Missing Email Address” in the email address column if they do not have an email address filled out. You will not be able to add the participant if they do not have an email address.

Select your participant. You can select a single participant, multiple participants, families, or collections.

Select the staff attendees – This can be yourself or this can be other staff members.

  • A user can choose another staff member, depending on the program/site setting that was configured on the Manage Schedule page. This means that depending on that setting, a user can add an appointment to a user’s calendar in only that program or to any user’s calendar in that site.

  • The appointment will always appear on the calendar of the user who is scheduling the appointment, even if that user is not attending.

  • Only the user who created the appointment can delete or edit the appointment. Other attendees, even users, will not be able to.

Select the date/time of the appointment.

  • Fill in the appropriate Appointment Title and Description.

Check the box to include Video Conference Info, if you have already linked your video conferencing account from the Add Calendar page. Alternatively, you can include a direct link to your video meeting!

You can also fill in the physical location of the appointment in the field without selecting the Include Video Conference Info checkbox.

Click “Add". This will add the appointment to all Staff Attendees’ calendars and it will send an appointment notification email to participant attendees at the email indicated in their demographic.

Note: If you click the “Add Appointment" button, you will need to click “Cancel” to get back to calendar.

How to view a participant’s upcoming and past appointments

Along with the new calendar, you can also view the upcoming and past appointments for a particular participant!

Simply navigate to the participant’s dashboard and click on the new “View Appointments” link in the Participant Information dashboard part.

  • You can also navigate here from the View/Edit Participant page!

From the new Appointments page, you will be able to see all of the upcoming scheduled appointments from the Schedule tab or any past appointments from the History tab.

This is particularly beneficial when you have just met with the participant and you want to ensure that the participant has all necessary upcoming appointments scheduled or to check to see if they already attended certain appointments.

Right from this page, you can see important participant information and add an appointment for the participant. You can also navigate to the View/Edit Participant page for this participant or back to the Participant Dashboard!

How to turn on ETO Schedule for Lower Roles

When released ETO Schedule will only be available in the side navigation bar to Enterprise Managers. This is to allow an administrator time to test out the functionality without applying it to all users.

Once an administrator determines they would like to expand ETO Schedule to lower roles of users, you can navigate to Manage Site Navigation under Site Administration and modify the rule for My Calendars.

If you already have an existing Site Navigation Rule for the roles you would like to give ETO Schedule access to, you can use that. If not, you can easily create a new rule by clicking Manage Rules in the upper righthand corner.

From there, simply click “Show Using Custom Rules” next to My Calendars (under My Work) and choose the rule you would like to apply. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

Known Issues

While we try to have perfect releases, that unfortunately isn’t always the case. Here are some known defects that we are actively working to address:

ETOC-10413 – Currently, end users will receive an error when trying to add an appointment for certain members of a collection or family (in other words, if an end user clicks the pencil icon next to the chosen family or collection modal) and the Manage Schedule page has not been saved yet. Saving the Manage Schedule page will prevent this error.

Reporting on ETO Schedule

You are able to report on ETO Schedule!

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