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Customize the registration form
Customize the registration form

Adjust the look and feel of the form when integrate outside of Eventry.

Mattias Jacobsson avatar
Written by Mattias Jacobsson
Updated over a week ago

If you have the advanced version of Eventry you can integrate the form into your own site. To do so you can either include the form with a javascript or you can have it as a regular link.

Insert the form into your home page

Use this javascript to integrate the form. It should automatically adjust to visitors screen size (responsive)

<div id="eventry_iframe"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

var pymParent = new pym.Parent('eventry_iframe', ' event id', {});

Note: Change the event id (event_id) to the corresponding id of the event that you would like for the page to display.

If you like to further modify the look and feel of the integration, there are several parameters that you can use to accomplish this.

The most common way is to create one single design and that one is marked as "standard" and are applied to all of your registration forms. But if you have the need you can create several designs. If you do not whant to use the standard design for a particular event you need to specify what design you whant for the system to load. event id&apply_design_id=your design id

In some cases you like for the form to show a specific number of participant. If you like it to be a specific number of participants mandatory you can also use this, that can for example be used for team registrations where you whant to make it mandatory to register all teammembers. event id&client_numbers=the number of participants

Adjust the layout and features

The advanced subscription gives you several possibilities to adjust the look and feel of the registration form. This is to make the form integrate with your site as seamlessly as possible. In this section we describes how this can be done and what parameters you can adjust.

Create or edit the template

To customize your registration form you first need to create a custom design in Form / Design. If you have not already done so click on New Template or simply click on the one you want to edit.

Now there are several fields and options available for you.

  • Name
    This is the name of the template. If you have several it helps you to distinguish them from another.  

  • Use this template
    Here you specify if this particular template should be the default one.  

  • Modern design
    We strongly encourage you to use a modern design.

  • Background color
    This is the color of the backdrop in the form, if you insert the form into your own page you should set it to the same color as your page.

  • Button color
    This color is the one that are being used by the buttons. And should be set so that it fits nicely into your own color profile of your site.

  • Color of the button text

  • Design form color
    The color of the form can be changed to align with the colors of your site.

  • Hide logo in form
    If you plan to insert the form into your own page you might want to hide the logo in the form. 

  • Show start date

  • Show end date 

  • Show slots left

  • Show event place 

  • Show share buttons
    You can choose to show share buttons after the registration is done. 

  • Show share on Facebook dialog box
    You can choose to show the share dialog box after the registration is done. 

  • Show contact details
    You can choose to show contact details after the registration is done. 

  • Show order information
    You can choose to show the order information and link to my tickets after the registration is done. 

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