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AirDrive is a cloud storage facility to house files, images and documents associated with your events. These can include Setup and Contact Module files, brand images for your emails or interactive/event sites, and more.
They may also be files that your contacts have uploaded (presentation files, brochures), or files you want to be able to share as a URL.
What type of files are stored in AirDrive?
Below are some examples of files that are automatically stored in AIRDrive when they’re uploaded.
NOTE: When looking at folders marked * below, you’ll only see files for the event you’re currently in.
Contact Module [stored in Contact Files folder* in AirDrive]
Attendee photos
Custom field uploaded documents
Exhibitor documents and files
Sponsor documents and files
Presentation documents and files
Setup Panel [stored in Setup Files folder* in AirDrive]
Hotel photos
Room type photos
You can also add sub-folders and files to some sections of AIRDrive, allowing you to use it as a convenient file storing location.
You can ONLY create subfolders and directly upload files under either General, Event Website, or Office.
Other files and folders
General files* Any uploadable file or image - you can create as many subfolders as you want in this section.
Event Website* Images and files associated with your event website.
Office files [In this folder, you can see files and folders from all of your events] - Similar to general files - you can upload files/images specific to an office (if you're running EventsAir as a multi-office environment).
Files directly uploaded to AIRDrive have a 5MB size limit, and larger files won't upload. It may be possible to exceed this limit when uploading files through a portal, such as presentation documents.
File Management
As soon as you click on the AIRDrive icon, it will open and you'll see three panels:
Left-hand panel – folders & files
Use the arrows to the left of each folder to expand it. You can keep doing this for sub-folders until you see the files and folders you want.
There are two buttons at the bottom of this panel:
Add Folder button – creates a new sub-folder (this will only be an option for General or Office folders).
Delete Folder button - only appears when an empty sub-folder you've created is selected.
Middle panel – files list
After selecting a folder/subfolder from the left-hand panel, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the middle panel to either manually upload a file OR delete files, download files, or export file details.
The Upload File button allows you to select any file to upload to the selected folder/subfolder. [Only available in certain sections of AirDrive as mentioned above.]
For the remaining functions, use the checkboxes in the middle panel to select one or more files, or use the checkbox at the top to select all files in a folder. You can also use the search and filter functions to find particular files or to only search particular records, e.g. you want to see photo files for just your guest speakers.
Once you’ve selected your file(s), choose either:
Removes a single file or multiple files (according to what checkboxes are selected).
Note - you can only remove files if they were uploaded directly to AIRDrive in either the General or Office folders.
Generates a list of all the selected files’ details in an Excel spreadsheet, including direct links (URLs) for each file. This is very useful for items such as recorded presentations or other large files, because you can list all the links in a document and people can download each file themselves as needed. Depending on the module, it may also have additional information, e.g. stand details for an exhibition file export.
Creates a zipped folder to download, containing the files you have selected. (For example, if you have a lot of submissions and would like to create your own custom abstract book, or if you want to download all attendee photos as a zipped folder.)
Right-hand panel - Preview
If you click the name of the file in the middle panel, a preview and information will appear in the right-hand panel.
If this file/image is associated with a contact, you’ll see a Contact Record link (person icon, underlined contact name). Select this link to jump directly into that contact record.
The preview panel also has three purple icons:
Image or File Link - displays a URL that can be copied to link to a specific image or document | |
Download Link - lets you directly download the chosen image or document. | |
Delete Link - Deletes the currently selected file IF you uploaded the file directly via AIRDrive. (So this won't delete files uploaded via Contact or Setup, such as attendee photos or presentations). Otherwise it just removes it from the preview panel. |
Copying the URL to a file (or exporting a list of URLs) allows you to paste the URL elsewhere, such as the image source URL on a website, or into the HTML section of a merge doc email (using “Insert Image”), as shown below.
NOTE: If you delete a file and re-upload it, even if it has the same file name, the URL will change.
There's also an "AirDrive - Insert Image/Insert Link" option when editing HTML emails, if you scroll down below where other links are inserted: